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About Me

Hi! I am Angie Rothing and I am a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant with the Family Sleep Institute. My wife and I welcomed our twin daughters in 2018 and our lives were changed forever. Motherhood is a huge adjustment and it all doesn’t just “click” overnight. There are so many ups and downs in one’s parenting journey. Around three months after the girls were born, I was diagnosed with postpartum anxiety. I was overwhelmed, sleep deprived and completely exhausted. I knew something had to be done. With the help of a good therapist and some medication I started to feel a little better. But I knew I had a ways to go.

That is where sleep training came into my life. When the girls were six months old, we decided to hire a sleep consultant. Within a few nights, our girls were sleeping… through the night! It was unbelievable! This was the first time I really felt that I had a handle on this parenting thing. We were able to help our girls achieve healthy sleep and now my wife and I actually had some free time! Since the girls were sleeping better, I started to sleep better and my entire mood changed. I felt like a person again! I could connect with my wife again! That is how I discovered the importance of healthy sleep and sleeping training.

It was that experience that made me want to become a support system for new parents. I want to be that shoulder to cry on, that person who cheers you on, and your guide to achieving healthy sleep habits for your children (and yourself!)

My Philosophy

I believe that parenthood can be incredibly challenging and most of us are just trying to get through the day. There is no right or wrong way to do something. Ultimately, we all just want to do what is best for our children. Parenthood is an ongoing journey that transforms us. We aren’t born with all the answers on how to raise a child. We discover them throughout our journey.

I respect all parenting styles. Every family is unique just as every child is unique. I will meet you at your comfort level and I will challenge you when I know that you can do it!